Created exclusively for the Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance! Saguache (SUH-WATCH) is the Spanish version of the UTE word Saguaguachipa for "Blue Earth". The English version is Sawatch. The Sawatch Range, aka Saguache Range, is home to 18 peaks over 11,000' with 8 of those being over 14,000'. It is also home to some of the most beautiful Mountain Goats on earth! Colorado also has a town, county and ranger district named Saguache.
The Original is a blend of 2 of the best tasting coffees on earth. Both roasted to medium dark to extract the unique flavor profiles of each coffee. You end up with buttery smooth goodness. With flavor notes that are balanced, smokey, dark chocolate and dried fruits. With a mild naturally sweet acidity.
Pairs well with mountain views, fly fishing, hunting, backpacking, friends, goat watching and adventure.