The FISH series launches April 16th, 2025!

The Beans

Mexico Chiapas, Certified Fair Trade Organic

 This is one of our favorite coffees.

Federación de Sociedades Cooperativas Indígenas y Ecológicas de Chiapas was founded in 2009 by five farmer groups from Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Mame, Chuj and Zoque. The cooperative has over 3,300 members, primarily indigenous farmers and their families. Each producer does their own wet milling and dries the coffees on their own patios before delivering the coffee to the cooperative. Since the founding of FESICH they have established a renovation program, built a nursery that now houses over two million coffee plants and offers training programs for leaf rust treatment. In addition, producer members have access to small producer financing.

Process -  washed and sun dried. 
Altitude - 3,608 to 5,905 feet above sea level. 
Variety – Bourbon, Caturra, Sarchimor, Catimor, Costa Rica & Marago.
Cupping Notes - Vanilla, dark chocolate and cranberry.

Kenya AA - Nyeri Hill Estate, Rainforest 

Kenya coffee is some of the most sought after coffee in the world. This coffee comes from the high plateaus around Mt. Kenya and is grown at a mile high elevation in volcanic red soils. Like many other origins, all coffees in Kenya come with a grade, and AA is the highest grade based on the screen size and density of the bean. This coffee is sure to impress. 

​Process - Double fermentation, Raised beds
Altitude - 5,280 feet above sea level
Variety - Kenyan Bourbon
​Cupping Notes - Balanced cup with notes of pomegranate, apricot, plum, cherry, bergamot tea. Mild sweet acidity  with medium body. 

Guatemala Antiqua Iglesias, Certified Fair Trade Organic

The famous ancient city of Antigua contains over 43 churches, so it is not surprise that this special coffee gets the brand “Iglesias.” Antigua Iglesias comes from the Plantation Santo Tomas and El Vallecito. Both are located in Ciudad Vieja in the state of Sacatepéquez at the slopes of the Volcano Agua. The coffee grows under Gravilea trees in rich volcanic soil. After harvest, the coffee is brought to the famous mill, Concepcion Escuintla. During the coffee’s time at Concepcion, it is sundried on patios, separated by size, density, and color. The result is a superior coffee with extreme complexities.

Process - Fully Washed, sun dried
Altitude - 4,700 - 4,900 feet above sea level
Variety - 60% Bourbon with 40% Catuai & Caturra
Cupping Notes - strawberry, floral, kiwi, apple, creamy milk, chocolate, baking spices

Brazil Cerrado, Certified Fair Trade Organic 

This coffee is from Fazenda Santa and is smooth and well rounded. It has low acidity with a medium body.
The Minas Gerais region in southern Brazil has rich soil and climate makes a fantastic environment for cultivation. 
Brazil is one of the most well-known coffee origins and is the largest producer and exporter in the world. It is responsible for almost a third of all consumed coffee on the planet.
As traceability becomes more important to the consumer, coffee labeled as “Cerrado” has Designation of Origin status which means that “Cerrado” coffees must come from the Cerrado region. 

Process - Washed & Patio Dried
Altitude - 1,640 - 3,940 feet above sea level
Variety - Bourbon, Catuai, Mundo Novo, Typica
Cupping Notes - Sugarcane, caramel, chocolate & nuts.

Costa Rica Aquiares, Rainforest Alliance

Grown high on the slopes of the Turrialba Volcano.

As the largest Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee farm in Costa Rica, Aquiares devotes 80 percent of its land to growing high quality coffee and the remaining 20 percent to conservation. Coffee plots are interlaced with over a dozen natural springs and almost 20 kilometers in streams, all protected with buffer zones in line with the property's RA certification. These streams form a network of natural corridors through the farm that connect the large protected forests in the two river valleys, providing a healthy environment for the local animals, birds, and plants.

The farm and the community at Aquiares are mutually connected. The farm provides services, land, security and honest jobs. In return, the coffee farm has benefited from a well-educated community and relies on highly skilled professionals from its community to thrive. Such a level of interdependence has helped contribute to the sense of pride that Aquiareños take in both their community and the coffee.

Process - Washed  

Altitude - 3,937 - 4,593 feet above sea level
Variety - F1 Hybrid - Ethiopian Rumens Sudan x Sarchimor
Cupping Notes - Apple, Lemon & Cherry

Sumatra Indonesia Permata Gayo (Grade 1), Rainforest Alliance & Fair Trade Organic

This special coffee is cultivated and produced by the Permata Gayo, a community coop located in the Gayo region of western Sumatra. The organic coop was founded in 2006 by 50 farmers spread across five villages and has since expanded to include over 2,100 members. It is organic certified (USDA/NOP, EU, and JAS), Rainforest Alliance Certified and Fair Trade Certified. The area endured heavy economic loss and suffering during the Aceh Conflict between 1976 and 2005, and coffee has been one of main sources of income and recovery for inhabitants of the area.

Process - Wet hulled & sun dried
Altitude - 3,930 - 5,250 feet above sea level
Variety - Jember, Bourbon, Bergandaal, Ateng
Cupping Notes - Earthy, dry fruits, chocolate