The FISH series launches April 16th, 2025!

Why You Need An AeroPress GO!

Simply put, it makes a great cup of coffee. Easy to use, easy to pack and easy to store. Make a stronger cup or tone it down a bit. We had been using the JetBoil for years in the field. It was our go to for pressed coffee. However, we had to clean to use it for food and whatnot after. Plus some folks do not like the residue. Fast forward to 2022 and we got our first AeroPress at home. Loved it so much we took it to the field. Then AeroPress created the Go. So in 2023 we got one to try out. Sooooo much easier to work with. It's stores away in itself and the cup is included. We loved it so much we reached out to AeroPress to be able to resell the Go. When I am in the field or on the water, I suck at getting videos and pics. I do not record 90% of my time outdoors. Part of it is that I consider that my space to relax and enjoy a much needed break. For every fish I take a pic of, there are 10 that I didn't. I have just 1 pic of a 20# brown trout, yet I landed 5 that went from 17 - 20# on the same day. So I am super happy that AeroPress created a great video so that I don't have to. Do yourself a favor and watch the clip. Click the link, then click on the video. Add one to your cart and save 10% when you use code AeroGo10 at check out.

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